Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Springtime Fun-Top 10

Yeah for warmer weather!! I can finally send the kids outside more to burn up that excess energy. You know you've been thinking the same thing. We do have some family time too, of course :)  Here are some of the kiddos' favorite things to do on these warm spring days (that usually keep them busy for quite a while!).

1-Riding their bikes

2-Walking around the neighborhood or on the bike path

3-Bubbles (buy them or make your own homemade bubbles )

4-Sandbox (we just use a large plastic tub & put sand in it)

5-Playing with water & spray bottles (fill a plastic tub with water, grap some cups and you're set!)

6-Hula Hoops (found a good deal at the dollar general store)

7-Going to the Park (luckily we have a few parks to choose from)

8-Picnics (in the backyard or at the park)

9- Picking grass & flowers (yes, they throw it into piles and buckets & cook it up)

10- Sticks, dirt & rocks (they are just drawn to these things, can't keep them away!)

What keeps your kiddos busy outside?

Top 10 Link-up with Many Little Blessings

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