Monday, August 27, 2012

10 Baby Items for the 4th Baby

I don't think you need much for the 4th baby on the way, especially when you already have one boy, two girls and another girl on the way.  Regardless, it's still fun to go browsing at the latest baby items, and family & friends might be asking what you need. Or, if you give away items and/or get a "surprise" baby after you've sold everything at a yard sale,  you might need a few basic items again! So, here's a list of some things I came up with that might be helpful to you too (especially when your mind goes blank when someone asks......which rarely happens to me)!

1- Diapers  (You can never have to many diapers)

2- Wipes & Diaper cream (Ditto)

3- Infant car seat (Can't really go without this, especially when you give yours away ;)

4- Stroller for car seat (Who doesn't need a third stroller! I'm not lugging the double stroller unless absolutely necessary! The others are old enough to walk for a bit.)

5- Baby memory book- (I've tried to write notes for each kiddo, though not consistent, I give it my best try. Hopefully they'll appreciate any notes I can manage to write down)

6- Bibs (Always nice to have a few new bibs, after a few kids they get a little yucky)

7- Infant Medicine (Baby tylenol, gas drops, teething tabs..)

8- Pacifiers- (Need new ones for every baby, gerber nuk is our binky of choice)

9- Fisher Price Rock & Play Sleeper (Where was this when I had the other three kids? Thanks Mom & Grandma! Small, foldable, & light- guess where this baby will be sleeping?)

10- Gift Cards (For getting more diapers, wipes, formula, take-out dinners, and all the other things I can't think of right now and probably won't til the baby arrives....)

Hope this is helpful to you.  Now, what else can you think of that I've forgotten?

Top 10 Link-up with Many Little Blessings


  1. Good list. I would add personal items, special for that baby - a going home outfit, a stuffed animal to take monthly pictures with/later sleep with, a crucifix, etc. Even if they're the fourth, or fifth or sixth, they can still have a few items that were special and new, just for them. :)

  2. I love the gift card idea!! That's a great idea for gifts for the moms of several children.

  3. #9 cracked me up. I remember being surprised at the things that were available for our last child that weren't for our first (and that was with only a five year gap). And, oh goodness - the things that are available now amaze me and our youngest is only seven.

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    1. Thanks for the feedback gals! I'm always hesitant to buy something right away for the baby, because something new always comes out in a few months.
