Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Top 10: Postive Words for Kids

Here's my first Top Ten Post. I may not be consistent, but I'll give it my best! 

When I was teaching I always found it helpful to keep a list of positive phrases by my desk to either say or write on papers, etc. You wouldn't think you'd forget these, but it happens in the midst of all the day to day hustle and bustle.  I think they would be helpful for anyone that's around kids.
Here goes...... 

1- Way to go!
2- Super
3- Good Job
4- Great Thinking
5- Awesome
6- Keep up the good work
7- Brilliant
8- You are so creative
9- Excellent
10- I'm proud of you

The list could go on...... here's a few more
- Cool!
- Very Interesting
- Wow
- You're a hard worker
- High Five
- Nice Work

Top 10 Link up with Many Little Blessings


  1. Congrats on your very first Top Ten Tuesday! Hopefully you'll join in again soon. :)

    1. Thanks Angie and thanks for hosting Top Ten!

  2. So easy to praise our kids! Thanks for the reminders!

  3. What a great idea to post them beside you. So true how the busyness of the day can take over.
