Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't do THAT !

Top 10 don'ts that I probably most often say to my kiddos... You might hear them at our house on any given day.

1- Don't eat the toothpaste
2- Don't pick your nose
3- Don't sit on your sister
4- Don't throw your crackers on the floor
5- Don't step on the crackers!
6- Don't forget to wash your hands
7- Don't stand there with the door open
8- Don't lick that shoe!!
9- Don't climb over the sofa
10-Don't eat that off the floor!

Do any of these sound familiar? Please say yes, so I'll feel slightly normal.
In the meantime, I'll continue to pray for grace & patience.
I know someday I'll miss saying those things....

What is your most frequent "don't" ?

Top 10 Link-up with Many Little Blessings


  1. I actually have never said 1 or 8. But I have added when we are in a restaurant don't eat the gum under the table. :)
    Don't eat said nose picked finger goo. :)

  2. It is absolutely hilarious that "Don't lick that shoe" is in your top ten most used statements.
    (I'm not saying I haven't SAID that one...but the "most often" factor cracks. me. up.)

  3. I'm sure there are a few I'm forgetting, but I've been suprised at the several times I've had to say "don't lick that shoe!" to more than one child! I think the oddest one I've said was something like- "Don't put green beans on your legs" while eating dinner. That was hard to say with a straight face!
